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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Busy, Busy, Busy!

 Many apologies for the long gap in between blog posts this time.  It's been a hectic month-and-a-bit since my previous one.  I won't go into a lot of detail about it as it might take a while.  Instead, I'll just make a brief update on what's happened and things on the horizon.

Firstly, my wife and I have moved from our flat in Hornby.  We were there for almost 10 years.  A part of the reason why we moved is because our landlords have been busy with some renovations of other flats in our block, and this time it was our turn.  We had the choice of moving back once it's finished, but we decided to let someone else take it instead.  I won't say too much, but we needed a slight change of environment after being there so long.  So, where have we moved to, you may ask? door, actually!  One of the flats over the fence was vacant and had already been renovated, so we were offered it and said yes.  We've been in this place for almost a month now, and it's doing well so far.  The floor plan is basically the same as where we were, but it has some distinctive differences here and there, apart from the new features that's been put in.  This was the main reason why I've been so busy and hadn't blogged in a while.

Secondly, 'tis the season for family birthdays.  My lovely wife, Aliesha had hers a couple of weeks ago, my mother a few days ago, and my oldest Great Niece just recently turned 4.  Almost time for school.  We'll be going to her birthday party this coming Sunday, which will be nice.  We don't get to see my relatives very often, as most of them live out of town.  It's really just me, my mother and 2 of my aunties that live within the city.  Maybe an uncle here and there, but I haven't seen them in many years.  No idea where they are, to be honest.

Lastly, an update on what's to come in the near future.  Since moving into flats, I've been working on making my music creation more active than I was able to in the old place.  I've deliberately refrained from storing my musical instruments in the wardrobe and blocking the door with who knows what, denying me the access needed.  I now have sitting on the floor, next to the computer, my guitar amplifiers.  The guitars are nearby, but there's still some unpacking to do in the spare room yet.  Once that's done, accessibility of the guitars (and keyboards) will be a lot easier, and will be more likely to inspire me to pick them up for a play around more often.  Maybe even some recordings...  About that, I have made some plans for future music releases.  Ones that may take some people by surprise, if they're used to all the digital stuff I've been doing for the past 20 years.  I'm not going to give any spoilers tonight, but let's just say that I'll be going back to my roots for the next chapter.  That'll do for now...

On that note, I should finish preparing for my Great Niece's birthday party tomorrow.  I promise to blog a little more, now that we're starting to get more settled in the new place.

P.S. If anyone can give me tips on how to stop my computer mouse from double-clicking without my permission, that would be great.  I've tried slowing down the speed settings, etc, and it's still doing it.  Any help would be much appreciated.

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