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Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Future of My Music

I've made some interesting rediscoveries recently.  While doing a spot of tidying around my home (it happens, don't laugh), I found one of my old briefcases that contained some paperwork from projects I have been involved with in the past, including the likes of Kingrow and Ducksel Comedy.  Some of these findings aren't on the official websites yet, so I'll take this brief moment to announce that you will most definitely be seeing some of these released in due time.  It'll still be a while as I have a lot to type into the computer (you know, digital preservation and all that jazz).  However, that's not what I'm focusing on in this blog entry...

Among my findings earlier was a bundle of old documents and paper scraps held together by paperclips, all with various writings to do with music ideas I've had since (brace yourselves) the first few years I started writing!  If you know my music history well, those first few years were when I was involved in a little project with Forbes called Swede.  These works, however, are not a part of the infamous "lyric book" we put together, but are other ideas from around that time that were written or printed on dot matrix printer paper, of all things (remember those noisy machines?).  At some point in the near future, I will be going through what I've already typed into the computer to see what paperwork needs to be digitized or destroyed (a lot of these papers aren't in the best condition, but you can still read what's written on them).  Once that's out of the way, I will see what I need to do with them (and have less clutter around the place as an added bonus).  I would be lying if I said there wasn't anything of worth from back then that I could use in future projects.  As amateur as some of the songs were in my early days, some were/are actually pretty good.  Most, if not all, would need a major update to be more suitable to what I would write now, so there is that.

But wait, there's more.

It wasn't just lyric and title ideas that I found among these papers.  I found a lot of them had ideas for music chords/notes and sequences.  Ideas for possible riffs, etc, because the guitar was my first love when it comes to playing an instrument.  I wasn't always a digital musician.  n-Somnia is actually the 5th major music project I've been involved with (Swede was 1st, Supertrip 2nd, Driftwood 3rd and KerfΓΌ was 4th).  As I was sifting through the pile of riff ideas, it dawned on me that I "probably" have enough ideas on paper to have written a huge chunk of any future release I put out.

I can't remember how much I've said online about it, but after I have celebrated n-Somnia's 20th anniversary in a few months, I plan on making the follow-up releases stand out more than what I've put out before.  n-Somnia beyond 2022 will be a very different project indeed.  I've got at least 3 or 4 different style projects in mind, and by that I mean genre changes.  Sure, there will still be a digital element in all of them, but each one will be unique by comparison to everything n-Somnia has released over the last 2 decades.  Tidying my home and finding these writings, I think, has heavily contributed towards this.  The ideas for my future releases were already there, but the rediscovery had made it very clear that this is the direction I'll be heading with the next phase.  The first few years of the third decade will be very interesting!

Before anyone asks - regarding the guitar being my first instrumental love interest - I will say that there is always room for comebacks, and the signs are there.  As someone from my church said years ago, "God allows U-turns."  So yes, I am working on going back to my roots.  n-Somnia will soon be heard in a way the project hasn't been heard before.  I have flirted with guitar samples in a few digital tracks from time to time (e.g. n-Somnia's "Surfing Down the Drain" and Kingrow's "Jam"), but I think it's about time the riffs were my own.

Excited?  You should be. πŸ˜‰

In closing, in case you were wondering about the 20th anniversary release, "Eliminator" is still being released (along side of an updated version of my 2011 release, "The Early Years") on June 1st.  Also, an important detail, the remix collaboration I announced almost a year ago has been extended to May.  The reason being the fact that there haven't been many applicants at this time.  That doesn't mean there aren't any though, so you will definitely be hearing a remix or 2 of the song by someone other than me!  If you wish to join those who are already taking part, get in quick because 2 months can actually go pretty fast.

To get involved in remixing "Eliminator", download the compressed WinRAR file here and have a play around with the audio samples.  You can send your finished work to me at this e-mail address by April 30th! 😁

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