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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Animals As Human Body Parts

 Humans are obsessed with naming things.  Particularly when it comes to using names already in use by other creatures.  Allow me to explain.

Let's start with our childhood.  Nursery rhymes our parents used to tell us.  "This little piggy went to market..."  You know how it goes.  While they're reciting this odd little story, they're wiggling our toes one by one, calling them piggies.  Weirdos.  But because we were kids, we never questioned this.  We watched equally bizarre cartoons, therefore we thought this was normal behaviour.

 So, that's the first example.  Toes = pigs.  What's next?  (We may as well work our way up)

"Ow!  I've pulled my calf muscle!"  Well, OK then.  Moo moo to you, too, I guess?  I can't explain the origin of this one (like most of what you'll see in this list).

Tail bone.  Probably the only one that actually resembles what they call it.  Still, we don't actually have tails, simply because this tiny little bone isn't big enough to become visible outside of the body.  But other animals do have tails, so that's good enough for me.

Ribs.  Adam lost a few in the Book of Genesis.  They were spared for the creation of Eve.  Also, the non-Kosher of the population like to eat spare ribs.  I rest my case.  (Yes, I know ribs weren't actually named after an animal - it's called having a laugh)

Looking into the mouth now, there are teeth known as canines.  This, of course, is related to dogs.  I don't think I need to explain more about that one.  Further back we have molars.  So...moles?  Maybe...

On top of our heads, most of us have hair.  Meanwhile, some of us that have poor fashion sense sport what we call rats tails.  So, rats tails and tails of rats.  Both self-explanatory and both equally as fun to look at.

I'm going to end this entry for today very shortly by mentioning the fact that there are a few more body parts named after animals, but due to the nature of said parts, I'm going to try and at least keep it PG.  So, in conclusion I will say that on a woman's chest we have a type of bird, down further is a small domesticated friend, where on a male is another type of bird that likes to wake you up in the morning (see, it's all making sense now), and finally in the back we have a donkey, which can sometimes carry too much junk in the trunk (hey, that's 2 animals!).

Until next time.

P.S.  I forgot to mention in my first blog entry that from time to time, I may have little random outbursts that have nothing to do with my personal life or projects whatsoever.  You have now learned the hard way.

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